Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Newest Swaney Goes Home

After several years of deliberation (and persistent begging by Graham) we decided to take the parenthood plunge again...

Already having three boys, Kristie was uncharacteristically insistent that she get to have a lady in the family. So after a lot of painstaking research and careful planning we took a nice trip to Maryland, where we picked up Maya, a seven week old black lab.

Graham and Maya

Maya and her new playmate

The Connolly family was kind enough to take us in, puppy and all before we headed back
Little Ladies

The last week, and the final dash to the airport was pretty crazy, and I felt really sorry for the agent who had to deal with all our bags, kids and pet. Maya was actually an angel, but we probably should have used the leash on Lincoln, who had several near escapes.

Homeward Bound

Much as we enjoyed family, fast-food and safe drivers, it was good to be back in Yaounde, and enjoy the local sights, and settle back into our routines.
Home Sweet Home

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