Monday, January 8, 2007

Boys at the Beach - Kribi, Cameroon

Kribi at sunset

After surviving almost a year in Cameroon we finally made it to the one place that has something of a claim to being a tourist destination - the beaches at Kribi. While there is certainly room for improvement - it was a genuinely a class act, and a very beautiful place.
We had almost a week of relaxation on the beach - enjoying fabulous food right on the beach and hanging out with friends from Yaounde.
Local Transport (and grocery store)
Picking up a hitchhiker
One local landmark is Kribi Falls - one of the few places in the world where a freshwater river terminates in a waterfall while meeting the ocean.
Fishing under the falls
Just enjoying the view
We also took the chance to go upriver in a "pirogue" or dugout canoe with some locals. Although the authenticity of the "pygmy" village we visited was most definitely questionable, we did get to see a troop of wild monkeys, some beautiful scenery, and we got a good family picture.
Pygmies at heart
An alleged backdrop to the original Tarzan movie
While not as colorful as other parts of Cameroon - Kribi won us over as an accessible, but isolated retreat from the onslaught of daily life.
Farewell for now

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