Monday, September 1, 2008

End of Summer

Summer came to a sun and fun-filled set of visits to friends and family in the mid-Atlantic region, where we enjoyed the beach, an amusement park, and deep south barbeque. All in all - a tiring but amazing way to spend our time in America - remembering what we are thankful for, but also why we were happy to come home to our very different, but equally enjoyable (and busy) life in Cameroon.

Lincoln showing his poker face with cousins


Lincoln Vs. Papa John - with the expected outcome

Swaney Boys looking into future employment options

Sand Men

Dinner at the Fish Market

Iwo Jima Memorial ceremony

Future Marines?

Kristie and Karma

and Adie

Memphis Nights

Best Buddies

Kings Dominion with our neighbors from Cameroon

The Mall with our VA pals
Back to Cameroon - the new Peace Corps Color Guard/Mascots/Cub Scouts

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